Monday, January 17, 2005

Who do you love? Not you. Or you.

And the world revolves around: TiVo.
My wife and I have had DirecTiVo for a year now, and we are doomed to wander the planet always grasping for the remote to use the "fast forward" button. When one of us gets distracted and one of the offending items (a.k.a. "Commercials") appears on our screen, we scream "blip bloop," the universal sound of America's advertisers getting the finger from me. This happens whether or not we are at home with the device. I almost did it at the movie "Spanglish" Saturday night when we got harassed by the "Fanta" sluts again.
"Want-a Fanta?" it goes.
Not me, Frenchie. Go surrender somewhere. Again. Americans drink Coca-Cola.

At least the movie was good. Adam Sandler finally did not suck. Well, I guess the Thanksgiving song was pretty funny. But not his other movies like "Punch-Drunk Love." That was a crapper, I lost movie choice priveleges for a couple of months for that one.

But back to my real point: TiVo rocks. I hope they don't go bankrupt.


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