Thursday, January 20, 2005

The iPod is a WHAT?

So the Dell CEO is out talking and says the iPod is just a fad. This may be true in the long run (what isn't a fad over time, really?) but in the here and now, Apple is making a killing. Honestly, ask any kid about which they would rather have: the Dell DJ or Apple's white sweetness. My sister made her decision. The answer is also pretty evident by the market share: Apple owns the hard-disk based MP3 player market. The stock market also agrees: Apple may be a fad, but boy it is a profitable one.

And seriously Dell, your computers just don't compare style-wise. At some point I want a laptop that looks like this and has a weight that is not measured in jugs of milk (you have seen those ads, right?).

I once upon a time was an Apple guy. But things end up moving me to the PC for graduate school. Style didn't matter as much a pure speed and power. Now it does. I want things to look just so and be engineered well. I have a PC for my games; now I want a Mac for my life. Sorry Microsoft, I am really tired of this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you just made your sister's day by giving her an "honorable mention".

January 20, 2005 at 9:07 PM  

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