Friday, January 21, 2005

Snow! Snow! Oh Crap! Oh NO!

We are finally getting a "real" snowfall here in Minneapolis. This is about three months late; we generally get our first >2 inch snowfall in November. But not this year. So in the meantime we have been subjected to a non-stop barrage of our local weatherpeople telling us that the world is ending, etc. But the real issue is not the lack of snow, it is the lack of our "remembering" of how to drive in the stuff. As I was driving home from the bus station, I was behind some guy who was fishtailing all over the place in his nice $35000 sedan. I don't know if he made it home. But I did with pizza for later.

And now I am making coffee. Like the blogs' name! How novel! Did I mention I'm frowning?

I feel like I should give some links to other blogs that I like. This is neighborly, which my mother tells me I am not.
PowerLine: This was "blog of the year" last year and has some people from the Twin Cities on it. It makes me happy to see them eviscerate reporters from the Minneapolis (Red) StarTribune.
Instapundit, Polipundit, and Slant Point: All conservative bloggers. Watch them shred the MSM (that's main stream media for all'yall) to bits! Many of these guys took out Dan Rather. I wish we would have had them for Clinton. (Note the Dan Rather links to, not his repulsive bio or anything. I don't want Dan to think I care.).
Similar to the above sites, but with a touch more inebriation is vodkapundit.
A small victory: Generally heartfelt rants and notes. She also spunoff an American Idol blog from the proper (sarcastic) point of view.
For less serious things, we have Boing Boing, Wizbang, and Mr. Sun!.

So there, mom. Some friends. Even though they are all big-time bloggers and don't know I exist.
Wait, that felt like high school.


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