Almost forgot...
...that DirecTV upgraded the software on out TiVo. It is not about 3 times faster for every mundane task, like menu scrolling and fast-forwarding. But the best thing is sortable menus. Now your "Now Playing" list can be sorted by different meta-data. The best one is sorting by show name, which will automatically group the same show in its own "folder." Previously, everything was sorted by the date recorded, and the sub-sorted for what you asked to be recorded (at the top of the list) and the "suggestions" at the bottom. Now, the TiVo suggestions will be in their own folder for easy browsing (or deleting, which is most of the time). It is now easy to see that we have something like 20 hours of one-show-not-to-be-named (cough *Gilmore Girls* cough) and 5 "Grey's Anatomy."
The only one thing that I really want is a option to see how much time is left on the hard drive. Still don't have that one--we have to manually estimate.
I'm pretty impressed with this. It isn't often that a software update makes things faster, but this one has. And added functionality. Score one for DirecTiVo.
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