Saturday, June 04, 2005

Alumni assumptions

Now that I am an alumni of two institutions, I am constantly getting phone solicitations for some of my money that they feel they are entitled to. I used to just brush these off, but this morning, I am just mad.

I got a call from my undergraduate alma matter last night at about 8:45 p.m. I thought it was odd for them to be calling so late and "gently" described my displeasure. Well, this morning while going through the week's bills I find that they have built this monstrosity on campus: the new student recreation center. The article in the alumni article was almost obscene. Every picture had a TON of flat-screen TVs in every room. In one, some stairmaster had its own personal LCD TV screen.

No wonder they wanted my money. This is on top of their new basketball arena.

Minnesota is no better, constantly bitching about how they want a new football stadium. The place where they feel this should be is the ONLY on-campus affordable parking for students.

I have spent a long time (until recently) on these campuses. And the lack of reality in the management, faculty, students, and alumni associations are enough to make someone believe the Earth is flat. Schools are for learning, not for football, basketball, or much else. And they are not doing their primary mission well--the students graduating now are less prepared than ever, especially in the engineering fields.

Bah. Enough of that for now.


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