Sunday, December 11, 2005


Well, there is another awards show I won't be watching. As we all know, the Academy Awards are the big movie award show. In my view, they have two major faults:
(1) they are behind on the awards. Exhibit 1: Renee Zellweger should have won best actress for "Chicago," but instead got it the next year for whatever that hillbilly piece of crap was. I thought I had a readily available second example, but I don't, so there.
(2) they pick crappy movies to win. Here, I have some evidence. "Shakespeare in Love" over "Saving Private Ryan" (1998). "American Beauty" over "The Sixth Sense" (1999). Others depend on your feel, but you can go down the list. The most gregarious example would be that "Star Wars" never won, but I digress. However, it just hasn't been crappy movies, it has been:
(3) they pick the trendy, politically inclined favorite. First there is the obvious example of Michael Moore, who is just, pardon my French, and a$$hole. Then a couple of years ago they decided to give awards to minorities to "make up" for a perceived historical slighting. How else can you explain Denzel Washington's best actor award for "Training Day." All he was was an angry, homicidal guy. By this measure, Arnold should have 6 or 7 Oscars, Sly Stallone another 4 or 5, and someone like Chuck Norris enough to fill a small garage.

Now they are touting this new movie "Brokeback" that is about two gay Wyoming cowboys. Of course it will win, some people already like the idea of "sticking it to the red states." And it has just won the first critical award on the way to the Academys.

I guess it is alright though, since no one watches the awards anyhow. Especially without Chris Rock hosting.

And for reference, the movies I have seen this year in the theatre are:
"Shopgirl," "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," "The WeatherMan," "Hitch," "The Wedding Date," and "Star Wars Episode III." I plan to add "The Family Stone" and "King Kong."
Out of the "seen" movies, the award for best goes to Harry Potter.


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