Monday, January 09, 2006

Odds and ends

A few little things to pass the time:

  • Great software for the pocket PC and Windows: ListPro. I now use it daily at work and home. The fact that it has a desktop version means a lot to me since writing everything using a stylus stinks. I like how OmniOutliner looks on the Mac more, but the lack of applicability to my work life excludes it for me.
  • My wife and I are both discovering the joys of bluetooth. She's enthralled by the Jabra BT150 wireless headset paired to her RAZR, me to my Jabra BT250v and W600i. Even though both have speaker phones, cell phone speakers are just not good enough to drive with (unfortunately). Both phones, incidentally, are wonderful. So much better than the crap we had from Sprint.
  • While I am on the subject of cell phones: $6.99 for Tetris? What the heck Cingular? Can't I just use the version we played on our 286 Packard Bell PC?
  • Sometimes gMail's ad-serving in their Sponsored Link is funny. Go to your Spam folder to clean out your "enlargement" crapola, and you will likely see a link to a recipe for SPAM.
Soon to come--a review of our Roomba. It's on its way.