Sunday, February 13, 2005

Warm days

One of the few good things about being in Minnesota is that you become so desensitized about cold weather that even 40 degrees feels like a summer day. So when you have two weekends of this, we feel like spring is here. Too bad it isn't.

The kicker is that it makes you remember all of the things you would rather be doing than trudging through the cold and dodging potholes. Like softball. Or bike riding. Or walking without coats. Only a couple more months, I suppose.

Next station:
My sister has noted that my wife and I are awaiting delivery of a new iPod Shuffle. This one is for my wife, and illustrates quite brilliantly the differences between our personalities. For instance:
Wife = doesn't care about what is on the device, will happily hit "forward"
Me = wants everything I own on the iPod
* this accounts for the 40x difference in capacity; she would be happy with only the new Gwen Stefani album anyways

Wife = wants it small, with no cords
Me = who cares (within reason), that's why I have a bag
* I find this ironic, since she is the one with the purse

Wife = needed a USB key drive
Me = needed more total capacity to raise my personal totals of hard drive space (now at 370 GB, give or take a few)
* I'm a dork

Wife = Does not seem to mind that it will take another two weeks for the iPod to get here
Me = I am checking 'shipping status' daily for her, losing more hair
* self-explanatory, I miss the hair

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Blue Suede Shoes

Got new shoes yesterday. And I am very excited.

They are not blue, they're BLACK.
And not suede, but much more SYNTHETIC.
They are not flexible, but stiff as all heck.
Who needs Nike Air when you have carbon fiber!?


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Off-handed musings and such

I have been a bad, bad blogger. No updates. To remedy this, here are a couple of notes:

My wife and I were around at the Mall of America last night. We often go there just to walk around in the winter; the high ceilings and open spaces are nice for a change. It doesn't hurt that they have some stores that we look at. But I was noticing last night the teenagers. Not that they were there with their 'significant others for the moment,' but when they were, one of them always was on the phone. Very strange to go through the trouble of dating and then ignoring them.

I didn't realize Windows XP was so modifiable. Check these guys out.

The State of the Union speech was pretty good, even with the litany of new programs the President rattled off. I am waiting for the speech that goes something like this:
"My fellow Americans, the state of our Union is strong"
"So strong, in fact, I feel that I should do nothing to mess it up."
*very very quiet*
"That's right, no new plans, no new initiatives, no BS about hydrogen-powered cars or steroids in baseball players. Tax cuts would be nice, but I know you will groan and moan about that, so I just ask that you leave well enough alone."
*sound of jaws dropping, mainly on the Democrat side*
"So that's it. Just don't screw things up. I'm going to go play some Halo2. And ask that Marine to go kill more terrorists. I think it would be fun too. May God continue to bless America."
*red states cheer, blue states all drop into comas*

But it was after the speech that got me (aside from that hug, that was something). Nancy Pelosi looks freaking BAD. Really bad. For instance, look at the following comparison:


See any similarities? Pelosi is just WIERD. Her forehead never really moved, her eyebrows were almost to her scalp, and she looked like she had not recovered from the botox injections yet. At least Jackson only molested a couple of kids, Pelosi molests the entire country.
Oh yeah, and the speech was weak, weak, weak. If the Democrats want to present alternative ideas, great. Present plans, great. But in order to argue an idea you have to present an alternative. Saying "his idea sucks" is not an alternative. Screaming is not an alternative. Let me put it this way: Terry, Bill, Hillary, Nancy, Ted: shut your holes until you have something useful to say! We debate ideas here, not disadvantages!

It reminds me of high school debate, where everything and anything could be linked to beginning nuclear war.

That's enough for right now. I need more coffee.